Conservative College Men Campaign For Porn Censorship

readingConservative college men at a handful of campuses across the country are calling for a ban on porn. The campaign, launched by students at Notre Dame, has since spread to Harvard University, Princeton University and University of Pennsylvania, according to Inside Higher Ed. Their goal is to ban porn from campus WiFi by installing filters similar to once recently implemented by Starbucks, McDonalds and Panera—even though students can easily stream porn from their phones by using data or access porn via a private WiFi network.

“Pornography is the new sex education, providing a disturbing script about what men find sexually appealing and what women should do to please them,” said the campaign’s lead writer. “Notre Dame’s sincere efforts to educate students about consent and other aspects of healthy sexuality are pitifully weak in light of the fact that by the time students arrive on campus, many have been addictively watching pornography for years.” As others have pointed out, not all porn perpetuates objectification of women, especially feminist-porn made by and for women. It’s also not clear why a handful of young, conservative males feel they’re the right people to lead this conversation.

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Check out more about conservative male students trying to ban porn on campuses:

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