Cop Accidentally Locks Himself In Back Of His Cruiser With Woman He Fucked

A naughty police officer got caught in a newly-released bodycam video locking himself in the backseat of his cruiser with a female suspect who wanted to have sex with him—before calling a colleague to let him out. The footage starts after he arrests the unidentified woman—then as they drive back to the precinct, the woman is heard propositioning him for sex. “I’m down to fuck right now,” she told the officer.

Then he can be heard asking her what she’s doing in the backseat—before parking and turning off his bodycam. After he was discovered with the woman in the backseat—having accidentally locked himself in—he claimed he was only “checking” on the suspect when the door locked. In the investigation, traces of semen were discovered on his belt—he resigned from his job about a month later.

Feeling naughty? We always have handcuffs ready at NiteFlirt!

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