Coronavirus Is Not Transmitted Sexually, Study Finds

There is some good news during these bad times: the coronavirus cannot be sexually transmitted. While coronavirus can be transmitted from a simple cough, it does not appear to transmit through cum, according to new research. An international group of scientists in the US and China found no evidence of COVID-19 in the semen of 34 adult Chinese men who had tested positive for the deadly virus a month prior.

“If a disease like COVID-19 were sexually transmittable that would have major implications for disease prevention and could have serious consequences for a man’s long-term reproductive health,” the study’s co-author says. The new findings also set COVID-19 apart from diseases including Ebola and Zika, which can be sexually transmitted. While sex as an isolated action likely can’t pass along the virus, other intimate acts including kissing can, so the scientists still recommend practicing safe sex.

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Check out more about a study showing coronavirus cannot be sexually transmitted:

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