Couple Fucks In Every Room of a Sex Museum

One frisky couple took the whimsical idea of a night at the museum to a whole new level. On Valentine’s Day, the couple hid inside of Las Vegas’ Erotic Heritage Museum until it closed in order to, well, fully take in the museum’s sex exhibits. But mainly, they just wanted to fuck in every room they could until the guards found them going at it!
These heroes were caught on camera fucking all over the museum, including in a Fifty Shades of Grey exhibit! In the surveillance video, you can see a voluptuous, topless blonde woman and a man in nothing but a trench coat fucking in ways that art lovers would consider truly inspired. When security personnel saw the couple on the video feed having a full on fuck-fest all over the museum, they chased them out, appropriately, through the back door.
Sounds fun but don’t want to get caught on camera? Give us a call, we can make it feel like it’s really happening.
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