Couple Seeks Videographer For Wedding-Night Sex Tape

woman-609252_640One couple wants to document a lot more than just their wedding day. They’ve wisely bought an ad for a videographer to film their wedding-night sex tape. “In an advertisement published on a UK odd jobs site, the bride-to-be offered nearly $3,700 to a film professional willing to work 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. on her wedding night, capturing some X-rated footage,” reports NY Post.

“Both myself and my fiancé believe that your wedding day shouldn’t just be limited to a day and actually your wedding night is just as important,” the ad reads. The post goes on to detail the privacy requirements to ensure the video is for the happy couple’s eyes only, as well as listing some of the key shots that will need to be captured. Though the internet has had many things to say about hiring someone to videotape a sex tape, we think it’s a great way to get some, ahem, bang for your buck on the big day!

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Check out more about a couple looking for a videographer to film their wedding-night sex tape:

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