Couples Try Pole Dancing For the First Time 

Copy-of-Stripper_on_a_Pole_svgStep one of couples pole dancing class: get in those booty shorts. Step two: start feeling yourself as you grind seductively in the mirror. What else goes on in a couples pole dancing class? Buzzfeed found out with their newest video (check it out below).

The first move is the Fireman Spin, where you spin around with your legs wrapped around the pole. Most couples were able to do this one—and even end with a flirtatious booty bump! Then it’s the Cradle Spin, which is much harder: here they have to spin around sideways with their knees on the outside of the pole—and end with a split in the air! This one requires a lot of upper body strength to balance. But the hardest move is the Cross Knee Release where, suspended on the pole, you cross one knee over the other, and hang with just one arm. As you might expect, not many people could do this one. But all the sexy couples definitely got a hot work-out!

Want to feel yourself? Come get sexy right here!

Check out the video of couples pole dancing for the first time:

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