Couples Who Share Chores Have Better and More Frequent Sex

Image Source: David Robertson Flickr

Tired housewives all over the world are rejoicing over a new study from University of Alberta which found that heterosexual couples who share chores have better and more frequent sex. The study’s findings showed that when a man fairly pitched in around the house, the couple had sex more often, and that each person reported more sexual satisfaction. The head researcher of the study is a couple’s therapist who set out to debunk a 2012 study that claimed that when men contributed equally to chores traditionally considered “women’s work” (the dishes, cooking, etc.), the couple had less sex. But that seemed counter-intuitive based on his experiences with the couples he worked with as a therapist.

After analyzing data from a five-year study of 1,338 German couples, he found that his instinct had been correct. The data showed that not only did helping out with chores not hurt a couple’s sex life, it actually enhanced it. Although seeing a man roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty is pretty sexy, that isn’t why sharing chores helps a guy’s chance of getting good lovin’ more often. “Knowing that a partner is pulling his weight prevents anger and bitterness, creating more fertile ground in which a (satisfying) sexual encounter may occur,” the researcher explained. So basically, if men want to get that sweet dessert after dinner, they better do those dishes first!

Want to have a sexually satisfying experience yourself? Don’t worry, we won’t make you break out the swiffer for that!

Check out more about the chores/sex study here.

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