Cyclists Are More Prone To Erectile Dysfunction, Study Finds

Researchers from the New England Research Institutes found that male cyclists are at risk of erectile problems and possibly infertility. The problem is that riding a bike can put pressure on the Alcock canal (no pun intended?), a part of the male anatomy that contains nerves and arteries that feed the genital area, causing loss of sensation and other problems. The good news is the risks are only for cyclists who ride a lot, who are 70 percent more likely than non-cyclists to have moderate or severe erectile dysfunction.

Researchers also found that men who cycled for less than three hours a week not only didn’t have a problem, but that modest levels of cycling seemed to be positively good for their sex lives, with 40 percent less chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction than those who never cycle. Although erectile dysfunction is a common and distressing condition for men, cycling is not up there as a leading cause. Most cases of erectile dysfunction are actually caused by smoking (which doubles your risk), high blood pressure (which also doubles your risk), excessive drinking, being overweight and stress— all in some way affecting blood flow, nerve sensitivity and or hormones such as testosterone.

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Check out more about how avid cycling increases the risk of erectile dysfunction in men:

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