Doctor Claims Cheap Airline Seats Lower Sex Drive

If you want to join the mile high club you better fly first class. A doctor warns the nearly 73% of American adults planning to travel this summer that flying too much with cheap tickets can ruin your sex drive. In a video, the Yale-graduate doctor explains the link between anxiety, claustrophobia and the lack of space and how this can deplete someone’s libido—especially if they’re sitting in cheap and cramped economy seats.

“It drives your flight-and-fight mechanism. So hormones that go up in the brain like norepinephrine and epinephrine will lower testosterone and that will immediately have an effect on libido and even sexual function,” she explained. Besides flying first class, she recommended taking precautions to sustain your health and sex drive as you get ready to fly this summer. She suggested making sure all your urgent tasks are completed—so you’re not stressing—and make sure you’re well-rested.

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Check out more about how cheap airline seats deplete your sex drive:

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