Documentary Explores Kinksters Who Marry Their Sex Dolls

woman-1990228_640A new documentary on Starz called “Silicone Soul” focuses on the people who literally love their sex dolls. The documentary delves into the subculture of proto-robot relationships, which are typically made up of heterosexual men who fall for fake women. The devoted sex-doll kinksters even go so far as to marry their realistic-looking plastic partners, who provide both emotional and sexual comfort.

One man paid around $6,000 each for his “wife” and “girlfriend,” who are in a “hierarchical polyamorous relationship.” He says, “we’re all in love, it’s all equal, but [the wife] is number one.” The documentary also shows a couple who used the dolls to spice up their sex life and saved their marriage. “It’s just a matter of time before people say ‘OK, this whole synthetic option that he keeps going on about is something that I should look into,’” says one of the kinksters who’s an advocate for “synthetic love.”

Looking for some uncomplicated loving? Who wants plastic when you can get the real thing right here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about a documentary exploring kinksters’ relationships with their sex dolls:

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