Elizabeth Warren Sex Scandal Claim Debunked With Instagram Photo

cup-1010916_1920Far-right conspiracy theorist Jacob Wohl held a press conference in which Wohl claimed bombshell information about a sex scandal involving Elizabeth Warren would be released. Wohl made the claim that Warren’s alleged accuser, a 24-year-old former Marine named Kelvin Whelly, had a scar on his back from their tryst–and he even had the accuser take off his shirt. Wohl also talked about a lime green dildo purchased on Amazon.

A journalist debunked the story within moments on Twitter, pointing out Whelly’s Instagram in which he claimed he got the scar in an accident completely unassociated with Warren. The journalist wrote, “The supposed ‘sex scar’ from Jacob Wohl’s accuser is just from a chain from a swingset. Asked about this, the accuser just shrugged.” A Twitter user laughingly pointed out, “Jacob Wohl’s fake Warren sex scandal guy has a Vin Diesel XXX tattoo.”

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Check out more about an Elizabeth Warren sex scandal debunked: https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/jacob-wohl-elizabeth-warren-botched-press-conference/

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