Emergency Crew Rescues Sex Doll Mistaken For Drowning Woman

SOS seems to also mean “save our sex doll” after a recent mishap. A team of emergency rescue divers was flummoxed after responding to the scene of a nude “drowning woman”—only to discover that it was actually a floating life-size sex doll. The shenanigans was all recorded by a woman: “While filming a fishing video, I thought a dead body floating in the water had washed up, but it was a blow-up doll,” she wrote about the strange scene.

The influencer shared the moment with her more than 272,000 subscribers on YouTube, explaining that someone else had mistakenly phoned the authorities over the “drowning” woman, prompting emergency services to arrive. Photos show multiple fire and rescue brigades, police, and an ambulance working to dredge the sex doll from the water in front of a crowd of onlookers. Thankfully, the adult toy was “rescued safely,” according to the influencer.

Check out more about emergency rescuers discovering a sex doll mistaken for a drowning woman: https://nypost.com/2021/06/22/sex-doll-rescued-after-its-mistaken-for-drowning-woman

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