Esteemed Doctor Had Sex With Long Time Patient On Office Floor

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An esteemed doctor who had sex with a patient on the floor of his office and continued a relationship with her has ended his 45-year career in disgrace. The doctor was working as a general practitioner when he had a sexual relationship with a long-term patient for years. Allegedly, he told his patient to get on the floor where they had sex—they also had sex on the consultation table.

The State Administrative Tribunal found that the doctor exchanged “numerous inappropriate text messages and emails of a sexual and/or inappropriate nature” with the woman. It was also noted that the doctor “persisted” with the relationship for five years. “We find that his conduct was substantially below the standard reasonably expected of a medical practitioner with general and specialist registration of an equivalent level of experience,” the tribunal said.

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Check out more about a doctor having sex with a patient on his office floor:

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