Evening Primrose Oil Could Boost Female Orgasms, Study Finds

Experts found a huge benefit to taking evening primrose oil: improved orgasms. A study of 60 women asked how enjoyable sex was for those taking oil pills compared to those who had a placebo. Women who took them each night rated their sex as being better after eight weeks, saying they had more orgasms and enjoyed sex more than participants not taking it.

Questions assessed their levels of desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and overall satisfaction, finding that the women who took the pills for just 4 weeks saw their sex improve significantly on all measures. Researchers believe prostaglandin—a type of fat that has hormone-like effects—in primrose oil may improve orgasms by helping contract the smooth muscles in the reproductive system. The reproductive smooth muscles contract during orgasm in both men and women.

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Check out more about a study showing evening primrose oil helped women’s sex lives: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11413385/Evening-primrose-oil-help-women-orgasm-study-claims.html

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