Ex-Google Exec Claims AI-Sex Robots Will Eliminate Need For ‘Another Being’

A former senior executive at Google predicted that sex robots powered by artificial intelligence could eliminate the need for a human partner in the bedroom. The ex-exec said that AI will usher in a “redesign of love and relationships” in that people won’t be able to tell the difference between real-life sexual encounters and those that are created artificially. He claims human beings will soon be able to simulate sex through virtual reality and augmented reality headsets such as Apple’s Vision Pro or a Quest 3.

He thinks the headsets combined with AI-powered bots will trick people into thinking that the sex robot is real. Technological advances will enable computer-backed systems to link into the human brain and make it think it is interacting with a peer: “If we can convince you that this sex robot is alive, or that sex experience in a virtual reality headset or an augmented reality headset is alive, it’s real, then there you go.” He said that even the mental and emotional stimuli that come with intimacy can be recreated artificially: “It’s all signals in your brain that you enjoy companionship and sexuality, and—if you really want to take the magic out of it—it can be simulated.”

Want a real-life sexual experience? Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby!

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