Experts Reveal Whether ‘Post-Coital Glow’ Is Real

In addition to benefits like better sleep and reduced stress, many believe that sex can also give you stunning skin. Now experts are weighing in on whether or not fucking can improve your skin. “It’s not a myth,” said a doctor of human sexuality: “Here’s the science: having an orgasm raises estrogen levels in your body, which help maintain collagen—the structural protein that keeps skin supple and plump,” she explained. 

She added that sex in general, even without orgasming, can boost circulation in your body by “carrying oxygenated blood cells everywhere,” which includes the face. She explained that this increase in oxygen can spur collagen production: “So you’ll enjoy a post-sex glow right after the act, but as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, regular sex supports collagen—the same magic ingredient you’ve probably seen in countless supplements and beauty products.” The glow is instant, and the more sex you have, the more cumulative, long-lasting benefits to your skin, added a dermatologist.

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