Facebook and Google Can See What Porn You’re Watching

5447512772_d12336359c_zFacebook, Google and Oracle cloud are secretly tracking the porn you watch, according to a new joint study from Microsoft, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Pennsylvania. Researchers investigated 22,484 sex sites to expose tracking tools funneling data back to third parties. “Our results indicate tracking is endemic on pornography websites: 93% of pages leak user data to a third-party,” the study finds.

Researchers discovered that Google and its various outlets had trackers on 74% of the top porn sites, Oracle had 24% and Facebook 10%, study authors report. Even if you’re in “incognito” mode and aren’t storing porn in your browser history, the data still gets fed to these third parties. Even worse: researchers discovered that only 17% of the porn sites were encrypted, which leaves lots of opportunities for what study authors refer to as “widespread data leakage” and hacker “sextortion.”

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Check out more about Facebook and Google tracking your porn: https://nypost.com/2019/07/18/facebook-and-google-can-see-what-porn-youre-watching/

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