Facebook Will Ban Sexual Uses Of The Peach And Eggplant Emoji

peachFacebook is cracking down on sexual uses of the eggplant and peach emoji. The symbols, which have become synonymous with sex, have been banned from Facebook and Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) under the new sexual solicitation guidelines. Using “commonly sexual emoji” could result in the removal of an account on the social media sites.

However, Facebook’s standards do specify that the emoji must be used with a “sexual offer or ask” to be considered a violation. “[Content] will only be removed from Facebook and Instagram if it contains a sexual emoji alongside an implicit or indirect ask for nude imagery, sex or sexual partners, or sex chat conversations,” an Instagram representative said. The new updates are not without controversy, especially among sex workers who can no longer share nude or suggestive material online.

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Check out more about Facebook banning sexual uses of the peach and eggplant emoji: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/peach-eggplant-emoji-sexual-solicitation/

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