Fart Fetishists Reveal How They Indulge Their Sexual Fantasies

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_bigbuttsFart fetish is another example of how people are turned on by just about everything. Three men recently shared their unique sexual fetish with Vice, detailing their experience with eproctophilia, or getting aroused by flatulence. According to the men, the fetish is different for every person: some like to be farted on by a member of the opposite sex, while for others it has to be a person of the same sex, a preference which doesn’t always follow the person’s sexuality.

Then there are those who prefer to fart on others, although it’s a bit more rare in the eproctophilia community. Some of the men like to watch online videos of sexy women farting, but some like to meet up with other fetishists to enact their dirty fantasies: “We spent 24 hours together, during which we farted in front of each other in various locations like a restaurant, farted on each other’s hands and eventually in each other’s faces.” One of the men is straight, but only likes men’s farts, and has “face-to-butt interactions” with men. Whatever toots your horn!

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Check out more about fart fetishists: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5456059/Meet-men-fart-fetish.html

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