FDA Approves Drug to Help Sexual Desire in Women

femaleviagraAfter being rejected twice by the FDA, the third time’s a charm for flibanserin, the new drug that helps women with low sexual desire. While flibanserin may sound like the female Viagra, it’s actually very different. Viagra treats the physiological problem in men of not being able to respond to the desire they feel; this drug aims to treat the problem of not feeling desire in general, which is mental not physical. For this reason, the drug has been controversial, and many people wonder if it can even be effective.

Basically, for the 8-9% of women who have low sexual desire (meaning there’s nothing physically wrong; they just have no motivation for sex), the drug is said to rewire the “desire circuits” in their brains to help them eventually feel more motivation to have sex. Women with this problem have a hard time turning off the critical or judgmental part of their brains when it comes to sex, so this drug hopes to increase the brain’s reward circuits to make sex more exciting and less cerebral. But so far the results of the drug have been mild for the small amount of women it might actually work for (only those with low serotonin levels), and there are side effects that many might consider a deal-breaker. In the meantime, this new drug aimed at helping women’s sexual desire is definitely a historical landmark.

In the mood to turn on your “desire circuits”? We love exciting sexual experiences here!

Read more about the new drug to help sexual desire in women here: https://throb.gizmodo.com/heres-how-that-new-sex-pill-for-women-actually-works-1714264650/1725059776

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