FemDom Mistress reacts to Terrorist Tragedy

PhoneSexLove - a weekly column for phone sex lovers

Men like wrecking things. Not all men, of course, but some do. Spectacularly. Odds are, a man bombed the marathon in Boston, not a woman. We could speculate all day about why but I am not sure that matters. So what can we do about it? How can we protect ourselves? I don’t see an easy answer, but I think embracing feminine power is part of the solution somehow. And I truly believe we are headed in that direction. Creating a culture where feminine sensibilities figure more prominently. Where strong women no longer allow insecure men to behave like bullies. And where all men are allowed and even expected to acknowledge their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. We all hurt sometimes. But women rarely turn their pain into bombs.

Mistress June has had enough


As a FemDom Mistress, I understand the nature of power in a way that many vanilla people may not. And I know that being kind to good people is easy and being cruel to bad people is easy and those are not examples of strength or power. The real test as a Mistress is being cruel to the sweet callers because you know they need it. I have a gift for that compassionate cruelty. I have Mistress friends who cannot do it. But I enjoy it. And it seems it is almost always the sweet ones that truly long for genuine cruelty. I think it helps them feel their humanity in some deeper way. I am good at finding a caller’s soft spots and giving them the pain they seek.

Panties not prideWhat I am not good at, what cripples me, what hands me MY humanity on an ugly stinky platter is the challenge of being kind to the cruel callers. I am horrible at it. I usually have to refer them to other Mistresses. But I KNOW that is a weakness on my part, not a strength. I am not strong for sending away dickheads. I am weak for failing to see the vulnerabilities they hide with their asshole demeanors. I know THEY are the truly weak men, not my sweet ones that want me to make them cry. And the true weakness behind those arrogant bossy callers repulses me. Really. That is what it comes down to. Sissies and fairies and slaves and humiliation callers are not REALLY weak. They just play it. But bullies and dickheads and men who like to treat others badly, their weakness is overpowering and so freaking ugly that we all look away, don’t we? We look away until they blow shit up.

There is no easy solution to the times we live in and the spectacular violence that keeps wounding us. But I think we are all learning the danger of ignoring the most broken men among us. And I genuinely believe that part of the answer somehow is more Dommes and more sissy fairies and more openness and more gender flexibility. And I am not just saying that because I am a bad-ass female supremacist, I mean it. We are all tired of men wrecking things now. Enough. You can feel horrible pain and desperation. You are allowed those feelings. But you are not allowed to act on those feelings in ways that damage others. No more.

The funny thing is, whoever did this will be caught and when he is, someone will undoubtedly teach him to take it like a bitch.

My heart goes out to all of you in Boston.

Sending love and light,

Mistress June

PS: A companion piece with podcast will post later today at www. PhoneSexLove.com.


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3 Responses to FemDom Mistress reacts to Terrorist Tragedy

  1. I just wanted to follow up and mention that I wrote this column and the companion piece on PhoneSexLove.com before anyone know anything about the suspects.  And it turns out that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was arrested for abusing a girlfriend and required his wife to convert to his religion and dress as he wished.  Also, his brother, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, wrote on Twitter that all the women of the Game of Thrones tv show were probably “dirty hoes” with STDs.

  2. NiteFlirt says:

    Very true! Seems very insightful to me…

    • Isn’t it interesting, NF? If there was a bunch of random women attacking innocent bystanders and bombing and shooting places up and they had a common thread of abusing or hating men, do you think there would be a few psychological or sociological reports on this? But no one comments on how so many of these extremists hate women and suppress their sexuality. Such an odd thing that no one talks about it.

      Keep this in mind, boys!

      Beating off and worshiping your Mistress is not only good for your psyche, it is good for society! (Unless you are one of my chastity pets, in which case the beating off part would not be good for you at all. It would be very very bad.)

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