Fertility Apps Are Sharing Users’ Private Sexual Info With Facebook

The personal sexual data of millions of women have been shared with Facebook via fertility tracking apps, a Privacy International report has found. These apps collect information such as when a user starts or stops their period, moods, cravings, sex life, and other sensitive information. This may have been sent to Facebook and used to market targeted ads.

Two of the fertility tracking apps have a combined 7 million users. Investigators found that the data regarding users’ sexual health was sent to Facebook without obtaining consent from the users. This is just the latest in a slew of data breaches over the last five years but is almost entirely different from any other: by tracking and reporting data to Facebook concerning users’ mood, cycle, and sex life, advertisers are able to target specific advertisements–such as emotional ads–at specific times of the month.

Want to improve your sexual health? Your secrets are always safe with us at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about fertility apps sharing users’ private sexual info: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/period-tracking-apps-facebook/

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