Fetishist Marries His Body Pillow

Did you ever have a special pillow or blankie you cuddled with and loved as a child? Did you love it so much that you thought you would marry it? Well, one South Korean man loved his body pillow so much that he did decide to marry it! The man, Lee Jin-gyu, has what’s called a body pillow fetish, or dakimakura, where fetishists get off to soft, plush, lovable pillows they actually regard as their girlfriends. Or in Jin-gyu’s case, his wife!6480297645_f71f3bd4f5_z
In east Asia, some people actually have fetishes for their body pillows, usually with anime characters printed on them. That’s why a South Korean TV show aired the fetishist’s nuptials to his “magical girl,” Fate Testarossa, live. There was even footage making the rounds on Youtube (it’s since been deleted) of him riding on roller coasters with his fetish pillow, going out to dinner with his “lady friend” and ordering two plates of pasta, and finally, stuffing his bride-to-be in a wedding gown and marrying her!
Hankering for some soft, plush fun with us? We definitely know a thing or two about pillow talk!
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