Finnish Cross-Country Skier Suffers Frozen Penis In Winter Olympics

Cross-country skiing literally works every muscle in the body, as one Finnish Olympic athlete can attest. Finland’s Remi Lindholm needed a heat pack at the end of the 30km race to thaw out a particularly sensitive body part. Lindholm spent just under an hour and 16 minutes traversing the course in howling, freezing winds, leading to his penis becoming frozen for the second time in a cross-country skiing race, following a similar incident in Finland last year.

“You can guess which body part was a little bit frozen when I finished … it was one of the worst competitions I’ve been in,” he told Finnish media. Lindholm explained that he used a heat pack to try to thaw out his dick once the race was over: “When the body parts started to warm up after the finish, the pain was unbearable,” he added. No pain, no gain?

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Check out more about a Finnish cross-country skier suffering from a frozen dick in the Winter Olympics:

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