France Joins Other European Countries In Getting Its First Sex Doll Brothel

gwynethIt seems the sex doll craze has taken Europe by storm. France’s first sex doll brothel has opened in Paris, joining other European countries like Germany, Britain, and Denmark. The Paris sex club has several rooms where customers can get busy with one of four lingerie-clad dolls of different shapes, colors and sizes.

At this point, it’s fair to assume that if the Paris brothel is as popular as the one in Germany, it’ll be a huge success. In Germany, since the sex doll brothel opened it’s been reported that sex doll Fanny was attracting more customers than real-life sex workers. Fanny’s popularity shouldn’t come as a huge surprise: according to scientists, in 30 years it will be normal to have sex with a robot. In the meantime, it seems a lot of =people are eager to find out what it’s like!

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Check out more about the first sex doll brothel opening in Paris:

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