Fuck Buddies Share The Secret To Their Success

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex2Sex is great. Friends are great. But when you mix the two, you usually get mixed results. While no-strings-attached sex should be a good time, unfortunately because of a pesky thing called “feelings,” that’s not often the case. Which is what makes these fuck buddies’ success stories so remarkable! Here’s what successful fuck buddies told Vice about how they keep it casual, without spoiling the relationship.

Grace and Hans met at a club and started fucking casually for about two years. Even though they have mutual friends, and would often see each other dating other people, they both say they never got jealous. How? “I think it’s all about not catching the feels,” says Hans. Now they’re just friends, “we hang without the bang,” but they say not “catching feels,” having distance, and showing respect is what made their casual relationship successful. Another couple agree that sleeping around and being laid back is the key to a successful fuck buddy system. Their advice: “Only do it with people you can be mates with. Be laid-back about it, have a sense of humor. Don’t be dicks to each other. Remember: it’ll be a good story one day.”

Looking for something fun and casual? We are all about no-strings-attached here!

Check out more fuck buddy success stories here: https://www.vice.com/read/successful-fuck-buddies-talk-about-how-they-kept-it-casual

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