Fucking On a Hoverboard is Now a Thing

It was only a matter of time before the increasingly trendy hoverboard would find a way to enter, er, glide into our sex lives. And now, hoversex is an actual thing—complete with a new porn category! That’s right, you can now watch people fuck while on hoverboards. In one video, a man glides around a room on a hoverboard while pumping into the woman who’s effortlessly wrapped around his waist. “She bounces up and down, moaning, while he glides in circles,” Broadly reports.

In a different video, a woman squats on all fours on a hoverboard, gently floating toward a hard cock that glides effortlessly into her mouth. While hoversex is a new phenomenon, it’s already captured many a hoverer’s sexual imagination. One guy pictures a whole new Kama Sutra for hoverboards: “Two people could be standing fucking doggy style, and the person in the rear would have to move back and forth on the hoverboard,” he explains. “The guy could probably lay on his back on the bed with his feet on the floor and the woman could be on the hoverboard and face either way.” One thing’s for sure, hoversex is only just taking off!

Want to have an effortlessly sexy experience yourself? Jump on your hoverboard and glide our way!

Check out more about hoversex here: https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/people-are-having-sex-on-hoverboards

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