Get to Know “Luscious Lyndee”…

With “Luscious Lyndee” best_phone_sex_niteflirt_lusciouslyndee7

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How did you begin in the world of adult chat and phone sex?
Very interesting question, with an even more interesting answer!  One day, I called one of my girlfriend’s and she wasn’t home, so I had to leave a message on her answering machine.  That evening my friend returned my call, and while we were talking, her husband took the phone from her and told me, “hey, you’ve got the perfect voice for phone sex!” Mind you, I’d known this guy for years, but to hear those words permeating my cochlea, had me hysterical.  I stewed the thought for a few days, wondering “if” I could do it? Anyway, long story short, I started researching phone sex on the net and discovered NiteFlirt. The rest is history.

What do you do for fun when not taking phone sex and cam sex calls on NiteFlirt?
I work in the medical field.  NO, I am not a nurse, LOL!  Fortunately, I am able to work from home most days, so it makes it quite convenient to work NiteFlirt as well.  I enjoy writing, absorbing all natural Vitamin-D, shopping (it’s a chick thing), and getting together with friends for fun and memorable times!

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_lusciouslyndee3With all your experience in the world of erotic fantasy and adult chat, what’s your favorite part of sex?
Hmmm… well, I will say that the *most important* part of sex, is communication! And, more communication!  My *favorite* part of sex with the man that I love is, the freedom of expression on both parts, and acceptance of same.  The intimacy, and the passion.   I want to be able to say without judgment, “hey, I’d really like it if we try…”!   I think that the biggest problem for couples in the bedroom today is, lack of communication and the inability for so many men and women to distinguish fantasy from reality.  Admittedly, I had a problem with this myself… until the right man came along!  Anyway, both the man and woman should feel no shame in telling their lover what they want, and how they want it!  Period.  A healthy sex life, makes for a healthier life in general.


What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you on one of your hot phone sex calls?
Well, there’s several due to the type of calls that I typically do, but if I had to pick just one “funny”, it would have to be the time when I was still a *newbie* to the industry and didn’t really understand a lot of the fetishes, and a sissy slut told me that she wanted to make her clitty cum.  I remember, I started laughing hysterically at the very thought of this *man* referring to his cock as a clitty!  NOW, these types of calls are 99% of my call volume and I have it mastered, and have realized that these girls actually LOVE to be LAUGHED at!  But, on that first call, I felt terribly that I’d laughed at my client’s request, LOL!

And, of course, always wondering what my neighbors were thinking when they’d hear me screaming at my subs with various commands.   Haha, to be a fly on their walls?!?

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_lusciouslyndee1Is there any kind of specific fetish sex that you yourself enjoy?
Yeah!  Who doesn’t love sitting on and popping balloons, LOL!  Seriously, I am into sensual domination.  BUT, it has to be with the right person, and a high level of trust is a must!

If you only had one day to live what would you do (besides take calls on NiteFlirt)?
I would want to get together with ALL of my friends and family that mean the most to me and enjoy a day of reminiscing, and making everlasting memories for them to look back on later and LAUGH or SMILE!  I would want to take lots of pictures… lots of crazy and silly faces!!  Finally, I would hand over one of my journals to each of my closest friends.  I have lots of journals, and I think some would be surprised at their contents.  Oh, oh, oh… I’d have to clear out my “toy chest”, because I’d be truly embarrassed for anyone other than a close personal friend to find it, LOL!  And finally, I would want to die in the arms of the one that *I think* loves me most; the one that taught me, “be happy for what is, instead of sad for what is not”!

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