Get to Know: YourBestGirl

With YourBestGirl
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YourBestGirl02How did you begin in the world of adult chat and phone sex?
Well, I started out by researching it. I needed a way to make some extra money, and found Niteflirt!

What do you do for fun when not taking phone sex and phone with cam (cam sex) calls on NiteFlirt?
I might not look like it, but I’m a gamer. Skyrim, Assassin’s Creed, Dragon Age — games like that. I’m also a pretty good cook!

If you were some sort of erotic sexy food, what would you be?
Hmm, I’m not actually super sure. Maybe a dark chocolate-covered pomegranate item?

Is there any kind of specific fetish that you yourself enjoy?
I’m actually a fan of blood and knife play. Not enough to risk permanent damage, but a little bit of pain can really heighten the entire experience.

If you only had one day to live, what would you do (besides take NiteFlirt calls)?
Probably blow all my money on fancy food and amusement parks. I’m a not-so-secret adrenaline junkie.

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