Ghost Tour Stumbles Upon Porn Shoot in Historic Graveyard

A ghost tour got quite an unnerving surprise when they stumbled upon the set of an X-rated film in a “haunted” historic graveyard in England. The tourists probably thought they heard the sounds of ghosts when they headed toward moans in the distance to examine the “paranormal activity.” You can imagine their shock when instead of ghosts they discovered a man and a woman getting it on in a patch of ivy in broad daylight!

“It was the couple who saw us first,” said tour guide, Mike Covell. “They were going at it like knives among the ivy. She was a blonde.” According to accounts, the woman “pushed the bloke off her” and the guy scurried into the brambles while trying to protect his junk from the thorn! The tour group “did not know where to look” and, apparently, one elderly man was so upset “he was ready to chase after them with his walking stick but [the tour guide] persuaded him to calm down and eat his sandwiches.” The graveyard is thought to be haunted by monks and children whose bones were moved during redevelopment of the site, but we’d be willing to bet that if there are any ghosts, they’d probably be seen hanging out at that porn shoot!

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Check out more about the tour group stumbling onto a porn shoot in a haunted cemetery here:

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