‘Golden Trio’ Of Sex Moves Boosts Chances Of Female Orgasm

Researchers have found a way to help close the female orgasm gap. A study from a team of US researchers say that to get a woman off, a combination of genital stimulation, deep kissing and oral sex, aka the “golden trio,” is needed to increase the likelihood of achieving an orgasm. Published in the Journal of Archives of Sexual Behavior, the study looked at 52,000 participants to shed light on orgasm gaps between the sexes and also between people with different sexual orientations—and for straight women, the findings were pretty grim.

“While 95% of heterosexual men reported that they usually or always orgasmed during sexually intimate moments, just 65% of heterosexual women did. By contrast, the figure was 89% for gay men, 86% for lesbian women, ” reports the Guardian. As researchers says, the gaps between men and heterosexual women were already known, but the ones between lesbians and straight women highlight the need for men to better understand just what it takes to get a woman there, so to speak. “About 30% of men actually think that intercourse is the best way for women to have orgasm, and that is sort of a tragic figure because it couldn’t be more incorrect,” said a co-author of the research. Researchers say they hope couples will consider the “golden trio” and incorporate it into the bedroom—after all, everyone deserves to experience “their fullest sexual expression to the maximum of their ability.”

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Check out more about the “golden trio” of sex moves to help women orgasm: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/feb/23/golden-trio-of-moves-boosts-chances-of-female-orgasm-say-researchers

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