Goop Shows How To Have Full-Body Orgasms

A sex therapist on the new Goop Netflix series, “Sex, Love & Goop” explains how “energetic erotic blueprints” are the key to fully-clothed, touchless orgasms. “In the anticipation [of a kiss] there’s a lot of arousal and turn-on that happens,” said Jaiya. “And essentially, that’s what we’re playing with, not touching.”

She and her partner Ian demonstrate how understanding and connecting with your lover’s distinct sexual vibe can induce simultaneous, full-body orgasms. He swirls his hands over the sexologist’s body, as she breathes heavily, her body arching in rhythm with his movements until she has a full-body orgasm. The pair went for round 2 afterward—Jaiya wrapped her legs around her partner’s waist, they embraced and synchronized their breathing, which grew faster and more intense until both orgasmed together.

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Check out more about how to have full-body orgasms:

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