Goop’s Telling Women To Put Jade Eggs In Their Pussies 

gwynethThere’s a new product Gwyneth Paltrow recommends adding to your Goop shopping cart that’s promising to do wonders for your sex life. No, it isn’t a $15,000 gold dildo or sex-dust smoothies—it’s the “ancient” jade egg, which for $66 will “increase chi, orgasms, vaginal muscle tone, hormonal balance, and feminine energy in general.” Goop also boasts that the eggs “were once the strictly guarded secret of Chinese concubines and royalty in antiquity.”

Goop alleges that sleeping and walking around with a stone egg in your ladybits is not only the new kegels, but will also magically make you appear more attractive. Unsurprisingly, actual doctors are already criticizing Paltrow for dolling out pseudo-science medical advice that is actually bad for women’s health. One OB/GYN pointed out that putting a porous rock inside you is dangerous because bacteria can easily lodge into its various nooks and crannies, unlike medical-grade silicone. Having an egg up there could also have the opposite effect of kegels and actually damage those muscles. Jade eggs are currently sold out on Goop, which leads us all to wonder—after so much questionable sex advice, such as vaginal steaming and toxic lube, why are women still buying “Yoni” Snake Oil from Gwyneth Paltrow?

Want to get some good feminine energy? We promise to do wonders for your sex life right here!

Check out more about Goop telling women to put jade eggs in their pussies:

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