Guys Try Tinder For the First Time

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_tinder“Okay, so it’s left if I’m not interested, right if I am interested, correct?” Well, yeah; that’s pretty much the gist of it. That and the promise of finding hot dates with minimal difficulty. In Buzzfeed’s new video, guys try Tinder for the first time and experience all the quirks of trying to find romance on a dating app. Here are some highlights.

“This person’s kissing another person. I don’t know what that means…” says one confused new-comer. Another guy isn’t sure why a woman is sucking her finger provocatively while eating a croissant, other than that seems cool: “I’m down to eat croissants!” In another sexually suggestive picture, you just see “boobs and there’s like a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.” After scrolling through the seemingly endless selfies, confusing pics of people and their friends (“I have no clue which one you are.”), options to view “Tinder Plus,” (whatever that is) and accidental swipes right, one astute newbie says, “this feels like shopping for people.” Except with more boobs, of course.

In the mood for a hot date? You don’t need to scroll endlessly through sexually suggestive selfies for that—we are always down to eat croissants and swipe right here!

Check out Buzzfeed’s video of guys trying Tinder for the first time:

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