Halloween Lover

By PrincessMindFokker

When his wife first brought up the subject, Mike thought she was kidding. He thought that she was teasing him and that she’d never want to go through with it.

But she wasn’t teasing, she was very serious.

The plan was that they’d go to the Halloween party in elaborate costumes, so that no one would recognize them, and she would sleep with another man. He was to watch, silently complicit in her sexual betrayal. The thought of this should leave him cold, he told himself, yet he found himself so aroused at the thought that it drove him mad.

For months this plan had consumed their sex life. She’d bring it up constantly, whispering in his ear teasing taunts about her Halloween lover. At first she’d even bring it up as they made love. He wasn’t sure if the timing was deliberate, but he noticed that she always mentioned her cheating on him right as he came. Deliberate or not, he found the connection between the pain of her betrayal and the pleasure of orgasm becoming linked in his brain.

Over the past few months, however, they seemed to make love more and more infrequently. She would encourage him to masturbate instead. “Practice,” she called it. Practice for his solo-pleasure as she fucked another man in front of him. She’d even started saying the strangest things: that he was going to be her cuckold, that he couldn’t please her, that she now wears the pants in the family. And while he protested that this wasn’t how things were supposed to be, he couldn’t deny that it turned him on completely. It was even more impossible to deny when he was so obviously aroused in front of her, masturbating like his life depended upon it!

And his wife would just laugh her spine-tingling giggle. Like it was the funniest thing she’d ever seen. Like she’d been laughing at him for years and he was the last one in on the joke. But that had to be his imagination, he told himself, it had to be. Yes, she was a beautiful woman and men always stared. And yes, he’d heard the rumors and mumbles throughout their life together, as if she’d marry him only for the money. But he’d never taken any of that seriously.

Now he started to take it a little more seriously.

And as Halloween approached, he began to become a little more alarmed. She started forcing him to watch reality t.v. with her, especially Keeping up with the Kardashians. He hated it at first, but had to admit it was amusing. And he had to admit that he loved curling up on the couch with his hot wife for any reason at all. But he didn’t love her teasing him that if he was in drag, he’d look like Khloe.

She began to get more and more excited about dressing up as Kim Kardashian, who she resembled slightly, and more and more excited about dressing him up as Khloe Kardashian. And the more excited she got, he found himself becoming shamefully excited, too. The more she talked about how hot it would be to dress him up in drag to watch her fuck a stud, the more he found himself becoming thrilled with the idea.

The reality of it happening still left him cold. Could he go through with it? Was she even serious? What would it do to their marriage? What if people found out?

On the way home from work the day of the Halloween party, Mike stopped off at a costume store and picked up a Superman outfit. He was determined to assert his control over the situation, having decided that there was no way that he was going to dress up as a slut and watch his wife fuck another man. It was absurd. There was no way it was happening.

When he walked through the door, his resolve crumbled. His wife was walking around in just a pair of silky black panties, her long black hair pinned up in curlers. She looked so ravishing that he couldn’t even think. She handed him a glass of wine and leaned in to whisper in his ear, “I’m soooooooo excited. Let’s get ready.”

And the next thing he knew, they were putting on makeup and doing their hair. The slinky dresses she picked out looked different on the two of them. She looked like a seductive sex goddess, he looked like a fool. But he never protested as she fussed over him and talked about how wet she was getting just thinking about fucking a real man in front of him.

The wine began to loosen him up and time flew by. They arrived at the niteclub where the party was a little after 10. Thankfully, he didn’t see many people he knew. And he avoided those that he did. He just followed his wife around like a shadow as she floated like a social butterfly through the crowd, flirting with every man she met. He prayed that his cock would stay tucked safely away and not pop up, he couldn’t hide it in the form fitting dress and it was too humiliating.

Around midnight, his wife turned to him and said, “It is time. Let’s go.”

He followed her through the niteclub, trying to catch up with her to ask what was happening. To talk her out of it, maybe? He wasn’t sure he wanted to go through with this crazy plan, but he wasn’t sure he wanted out either. His head was spinning from the wine and the excitement.

He almost lost his wife in the crowds, and as he followed her out the door he could see she was walking down the street arm-in-arm with a broad shouldered man in a fireman costume. Stumbling along in unfamiliar high heels, Mike struggled to keep up with them.

They turned into the hotel down the street from the nightclub. He lingered back in the lobby as they got a room, feeling awkward and ready to run away. But he joined them in the elevator without a word.

“Is this your husband,” the strange man laughed.

She laughed along with him, “Yes, that’s him. Doesn’t he look pretty?”

“She looks like a slut,” the stranger replied.

“She might be,” his wife pressed into the side of the stranger, her hand trailing down to his crotch, “I guess we’ll see!”

They stumbled through the door, kissing frantically and starting to undress each other. Mike slunk into the room and sat in the armchair in the corner, trying to be invisible. He was miserable and sad watching his wife with another man. She seemed to have forgotten him entirely. He tried to ignore the erection he was getting, telling himself that he couldn’t be turned on by all of this. He just couldn’t.

But when his wife pulled the fireman’s pants down to unleash the largest cock Mike had ever seen, and she turned to him with a sexy smile to ask, “OMG, honey, I’m so going to fuck this huge cock!” – he couldn’t deny it any more. He wanted to do anything at all for her if it got her this excited! In their 5 years of marriage he’d never, ever seen her this excited.

“What are you doing just sitting there?” she asked, “Lift up your party dress and play along!”

And he did, to his embarrassment, he lifted up his party dress and pulled down his pantyhose and panties. His cock popped free, seeming so small in comparison to the monster his wife was sucking right in front of him.

As she moaned and moved her head up and down on the fireman’s monster cock, Mike watched and masturbated. Every now and then the fireman would look at him and laugh. Maybe it was Mike’s imagination but he thought that the fireman seemed to thrust harder into his wife’s mouth when he was making eye contact.

The fireman pulled her up and bent her over the edge of the bed, facing Mike. As he entered her, he told Mike, “THIS is how you fuck your wife.”

She squealed with pleasure.

Mike’s heart broke even as stroked to the sight of his wife getting wellfucked by another man. But even as his heart broke, he knew he loved his wife even more with every broken piece. And as he dripped drops of precum on his pantyhose, he knew things had changed for good.

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