I walked up the driveway of Tom and Cindy’s house and rang the bell. There were several cars parked outside, and it looked like their Halloween party was in full swing. However, the house seemed quieter than I thought it should be. Normally, these gatherings got pretty loud. I remember that the neighbors called the cops on us last year. Cindy answered the door dressed as a genie or a belly dancer or something.
“Great,” I thought to myself. “Why didn’t Tom tell me this was a costume party?”
Cindy smiled and gave me a quick hug, and as she pressed against me I thought again about what a lucky guy Tom was.
“Everyone’s in the living room.” Cindy told me with a quick smile “Come on, you have to see this!”
I followed her to the living room, where a small crowd was gathered around a loveseat. Seated on the loveseat were a very attractive blonde dressed as a southern belle, and a guy in a pirate outfit. I noticed the blonde first. She really was a knockout. She was wearing a green dress, a sexified version of a pre-Civil War southern belle’s ball gown, with a dark green ribbon in her hair. She was seated facing the pirate, lightly clasping both of his hands in her own. Cindy turned to me with a smile and shushed me before I could greet any of the party-goers I knew.
“Look into my eyes.” The blonde was saying. “Look deep into my eyes. Deeper. Deeper.” She gave the pirates hands a quick pull towards her “Deep sleep. Deep sleep.” She lightly placed his hands on his lap and moved her hand up next to his head, snapping her fingers several times in rhythm with her words. “Deep sleep now. Sleeping quickly, soundly, and completely. Deep sleep now.” The pirate’s head slumped forward until his chin rested on his chest. There was a low murmur of approval from the crowd, and even a little soft applause. The blonde looked around with a satisfied smile on her face and motioned for everyone to be quiet.
She placed one hand on the pirate’s shoulder, who I now recognized as Ben, a coworker of mine and Tom’s. “Just relax now. Let yourself relax more and more with every word I say. The only sound that matters to you now is the sound of my voice. Let every other sound just fade into the background, Every other sound you hear just helps you to relax even more. The only sound that matters is the sound of my voice. In a moment, I’m going to count from one to three. When I reach the number three, I want you to open your eyes but remain deeply hypnotized. One…two…three. Open your eyes.”
Ben opened his eyes and raised his head slightly. He looked straight ahead, with a vacant stare. A guy dressed as a fighter pilot waved a hand in Ben’s face, but got no response. The blonde turned to him with mock sternness. “Behave yourself, unless you want to be next.”
A redhead in a devil costume, apparently fighter pilot’s date, smiled wickedly and said. “Would you, please? I’ve got a couple of things I’d like him to do when we get home.” The crowd laughed a little until the blonde motioned for silence. She placed her hand on Ben’s shoulder again.
“Listen to me carefully. In a moment, I’m going to wake you. When I wake you up, for the rest of the evening, you will believe that you are the most dashing, daring swashbuckler on Earth. You are a feared pirate, feared by men, desired by women. You will act this way for the rest of the evening. However, anytime someone says the word ‘chicken’, you will stop what you are doing and cluck like a chicken. Anytime you hear someone use the word ‘chicken’, from now until you leave this party, you will stop what you are doing and cluck like a chicken. After you have done this, you will immediately forget about it and go back to what you were doing. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Ben said, that strange vacant stare still in his eyes.
“Very good. Also, from this point on, any time I snap my fingers and say the words ‘deep sleep now’, you will fall back into this deep, relaxing sleep. Completely relaxed and open to my suggestions. But now, it’s time for you to wake up. When I reach the count of five, you will awaken. Feeling completely relaxed and refreshed, and ready to act on all of the suggestions I’ve given you. One…two…three…four…and five! Eyes open. Wide awake.”
Ben shook his head, and then looked around. He quickly seemed to recover, though, and set about hitting on the pilot’s redheaded she-devil.
“What do you think you’re doing? That’s my date!” fighter pilot said with a grin.
“Do you know who you’re talking to?” Ben growled. “I’m the dread pirate Ben. Count yourself lucky I’m just taking your date and not your life.” He said, reaching for his costume cutlass as he said this.
“You don’t look so tough to me,” said fighter pilot. “In fact, I think you’re nothing but a big chicken.” And the dread pirate Ben stopped what he was doing and walked around the room flapping his arms and clucking. Fighter pilot escorted his lady friend to safety while Ben was preoccupied, and when he recovered he started making his moves on a young lady in a Tinkerbell outfit.
Several people were applauding the southern belle now, and I found Tom and asked who she was. “I don’t know. She came in with Bill, but Cindy doesn’t know her.” Bill was a coworker of Cindy’s.
The southern belle looked over and saw me talking to Tom. “What’s the idea of coming here out of costume!” She said. “If you’re going to dress so boring, then you need to entertain everybody in another way. Get over here and sit down next to me.” She patted the seat next to her. I blushed, uncomfortable to be the center of attention. But the crowd sounded its approval of this idea, and before I knew it I found myself herded over to the seat next to her.
“I’m Nicole,” she said as I sat down. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite. Just relax and enjoy yourself, we’re going to have a lot of fun.”
“Now, what I want you to do is just take a deep breath and relax. Look directly into my eyes and don’t look away.”
I did as she instructed. She really did have beautiful eyes. Bright blue, and the longer I looked into them the more relaxed I felt. I trusted her, instinctively, and I also wanted to please her. Something about her eyes put me at ease, and at that point my mind had already begun to wander. She was talking to me this whole time, but I couldn’t really tell you what she was saying. Her eyes were the only thing that mattered to me.
The next thing I realized, she was snapping her fingers in front of my face. As I tried to clear my head, she snapped her fingers again and pointed to the floor at her feet. As soon as she did this, I knew what I had to do. I quickly knelt down at her feet and began to kiss them. The crowd roared with laughter, but I was helpless to stop myself. Her feet were the only thing I could think of. I needed to kiss them. Touch them. Worship them. Soon, she was snapping her fingers again and the strange urge left me. But for some reason my body wouldn’t respond when I tried to get up. I just sat there on my knees. After a moment, she snapped her fingers again and pointed across the room, where Tinkerbell was flirting with Ben the pirate. Tinkerbell was wearing a really short skirt, and I was suddenly filled with a craving to rush across the room and bury my face in her ass.
For the next 20 minutes, she handed me off to every woman in the room. Finally, she called me back over to the couch. She looked me in the eye again, and snapping her fingers said ‘Deep sleep now.’ In a moment I was trying to clear the cobwebs out of my head again. The party was winding down. I couldn’t remember half of what had happened that night, but everyone kept giving me knowing little smirks and snickering.
“What did you do to me?” I asked Nicole.
“Just a little hypnosis. You’re very responsive to suggestion. I’m going to have a lot more fun with you.”
“But how did you do that? I thought that sort of thing only happened in the movies.” I was a little frightened at such a complete loss of control, but I have to admit, I was more than a little turned on as well.
“I have a few other tricks up my sleeve as well. I’m going to begin training you more fully tonight, after you invite me back to your apartment.”
“And what makes you so sure I’m going to do that?”
“Not only are you going to invite me, you’re going to beg me to come. You can’t imagine anything you need more than to see me later tonight. Isn’t that right, pet?”
She emphasized that last word, slightly, and I suddenly realized everything she was saying was true. I wanted her to come home with me. I needed it, more than anything I could imagine. If she left without me, my life would be meaningless. All I could think about was how she completed me, how all my life I had felt something was missing until I saw her.
“Please, would you come home with me? I can’t stand the thought of you not being with me tonight.” I was nearly in tears at this point.
“Shhh. It’s all right. I’m not going anywhere without you. I just wanted to demonstrate how badly you need me now. And it’s only going to get more powerful. Now be a good boy, and tell Cindy we’re going to be going now. You can pick up my coat on the way out.”
I led her to my car and we drove back to my place in silence. I turned my key in the lock and stepped inside. She stood on the threshhold, just outside my door. I had taken a few steps inside before I realized she was still outside. I turned to her and she smiled at me.
“Look into my eyes. Realize how much you need me. I can’t come in until you invite me, so you need to be sure that this is what you want. You do want to be with me, don’t you…forever?” Her smile widened, revealing razor sharp fangs. But all I cared about was those eyes. So bright and beautiful and hypnotic.
“I do. Come inside…please.” She grinned in triumph as she stepped toward me.
“I must warn you, though. I lied to you back at the party…I do bite.”
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Oh to belong to Nicole in that way would be nice, under Her spell, at Her command.
Wow, what a turn on. Wish it were true.
Nicole is one dynamite hypnotist. Wish it was mebegging her to come home with me. I could look in her eyes forever