Having Sex Once A Week Can Make You Feel 15 Years Younger, Study Says

Flo Berry:BuzzFeed - QuickieIt seems the Fountain of Youth might be a lot closer than you think—like, in your bedroom. A new study suggests that if you want to feel 15 years younger, you should have sex at least once a week. The study found having sex regularly was one of the main ways which helped over-50s to roll back the years.

In general, those who were the most, ahem, “active” felt significantly younger overall. “When it comes to retaining your youth, we have found that feeling young on the inside is a fundamental factor,” the study’s authors said. Activities like having sex, taking holidays, and spending time with their partner helped older adults to literally feel young at heart. “What the research has highlighted is the need to keep looking after yourself and enjoying the best things in life, no matter what your age.” Amen to that!

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Check out more about how having sex once a week can make you feel younger: https://nypost.com/2018/09/15/having-sex-once-a-week-can-make-you-feel-15-years-younger-study/

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