Having Sex Once a Week Slows Aging In Women, Study Finds

Image Source: Flickr.com | WillVisionAs it turns out, sex is the Fountain of Youth for women—and they only have to make a pilgrimage to the bedroom! A new study finds that having sex at least once a week slows aging in women. According to researchers, being active between the sheets significantly increases the length of women’s DNA strands, which is associated with slower aging.

The really cool part is that women will age slower, as well as have longer lifespans and improved overall health, even if the sex isn’t that good. Researchers believe having regular fuck-fests may aid aging women by dampening stress and boosting the immune system. So there you have it: have more sex for a longer and healthier life!

Want to improve your health? Call up NiteFlirt and let’s hit the sheets!

Check out more about the study that shows sex lengthens women’s lifespans: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4688716/Having-sex-week-slows-aging-women.html

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