As it gets colder outside, people want to, ahem, heat up their bedrooms. “Shared experiences over any meal can help passion, especially when sensory-stimulating spices are involved,” says a sexpert. “Turn up the heat on your date—both figuratively and literally.”
HelloFresh has even started marketing “Forking Seasoning” spices—Ignite (cinnamon, cloves, and ginger), Spark (saffron and salt) and Kindle (vanilla and sugar)—designed to both “enhance flavor” and “excite the senses.” A UCLA paper also suggests that spices including saffron, cloves, ginger, vanilla and more have long offered aphrodisiac energy—or, as they say, a “voluptuously stimulating environment for invigoration of romantic encounters.” Quite literally, you can use spices to get spicy.
Want to turn up the heat in your bedroom? Come “excite your senses” with NiteFlirt!