Here’s Why Most Americans Find Bilinguals More Attractive 

jetaimeLooking for a reason to finally take that French class? Here’s a good one: knowing another language makes you more attractive to potential romantic partners. A recent survey conducted by language-learning app Babbel found that 70% of the 3,000 English-speakers surveyed found bilinguals sexy. So what makes speaking more than one language so hot?

“Learning another language will help you to become more skillful and sophisticated, which are attractive qualities in any person,” says the head of the study. People also like that bilinguals are better at communicating, since it takes skill and confidence to communicate in more than one language. Some other interesting findings: men are more likely to fantasize about having a fling with a foreigner, and French is considered the sexiest language (obviously!). J’adore, bilinguals!

Looking for something desirable yourself? Come get fluent in the sexy language of NiteFlirt!

Check out more about why most Americans find bilinguals more attractive here:

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