Hilarious Video Shows People Thinking Sex Toys Are ‘Beauty Products’

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_autoblow2Have you ever noticed how some sex toys really look like beauty products? There’s the infamous Lipstick Vibrator, but what about the anal probe hair curler? Well, that doesn’t exist, but some unsuspecting people thought it did when they were given sex toys that they were told were “cutting edge beauty products.” And as you can imagine, hilarity ensued. Here are some highlights (watch the video below).

First they were given an anal probe, which one woman tried to put water in to use as a face mister! Some other women thought it was maybe a curling iron…without the heat? Next up, lube. The test subjects immediately began rubbing it on their hands: “it is soothing. Oh, my hands look beautiful!” Then it was time for the Pocket Rocket. One woman started rubbing it on her face like a (facial?) massager: “Oh, that’s kind of amazing.” And when they got the Lipstick Vibrator, you guessed it, they started rubbing it over their lips: “I don’t think I’d give this to a teenager,” one older woman said. “Why? Use your imagination.” Last, they were given a straight up vibrator—and they still didn’t catch on! “The way that they market this, is that you put this nub in your mouth,” said one woman, who was so much more correct than she ever could have imagined!

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Check out the video of people thinking sex toys were beauty products here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/candacelowry/people-were-given-sex-toys-thinking-they-were-beauty-product#.ba614xYPBA

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