Horny Couple Refused To Stop Fucking On The Beach After Cops Arrived

womenmirrorA randy couple got busy at a popular beach in the Philippines in broad daylight—but refused to stop fucking even when police arrived. Not only that, but after getting arrested and handcuffed, they still went at it in the back of the cop car. “Officers arrived at the beach and they kept going. We stood next to them and they continued having sex,” an officer said.

“They were not embarrassed that everybody could see their bodies. The woman’s breasts were fully exposed and the man’s penis was visible,” the officer added. Police said they continued groping each other even when they were on the way to the cells: “They were very drunk so they were still trying to finish what they started on the beach.” It seems these two had one too many glasses of “sex on the beach.”

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Check out more about a couple getting arrested for refusing to stop fucking on a public beach: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7960295/British-woman-Australian-man-refuse-stop-having-SEX-Philippines-beach.html

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