How Orgasms Can Help You Look Younger

white-1822497_640If you’re looking for the Fountain of Youth, you might start the search in your own bedroom. According to a ten-year study, a healthy sex life can make a person look four to seven years younger. “A good sex life leads to greater contentment, significant reductions in stress, better sleep and, in men, an increase in testosterone output,” says researchers.

The study looked at data from 3,500 participants and concluded that genetic factors were only 25 percent responsible for youthful looks, while behavior—mainly, sexual behavior— accounted for 75 percent. Other research has shown that having an orgasm is a profoundly youth-promoting phenomenon. Cumming decreases the production of cortisol, a hormone associated with higher levels of inflammation, aka a bodily response that is linked to aging.

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Check out more about how orgasms can help make you look younger:

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