How to Fuck a Transgender Guy 


A good rule of thumb for asking a trans person about their genitals—or any person for that matter—is, in most instances, just not to. But considering all the confused gay dudes out there who don’t know how to fuck the trans person they met on a hookup app, some education on the subject is definitely needed. Thankfully, a trans person named Kelly volunteered to answer questions about his cock—and his pussy.

Kelly calls his clit “his dick” (since a clit is really just a “tiny cock”) and recommends asking trans people what they “prefer to call their junk, because it can be a sensitive area.” Kelly likes getting head, and advises gay guys to just do what they’d normally do—except there’s no gagging! He doesn’t like vaginal sex because the testosterone makes him so tight, but he loves to fuck with strap-ons. Since everyone is different, he again recommends asking what a trans person is into—and then if it feels good, keep going!

What turns you on? If it feels good, we promise to keep going!

Check out more about how to fuck a transgender person in the video below or check out Huffington Post:


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