How to Share Your Sexual Fantasies

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_friendsWhile it’s true that everyone has sexual fantasies, it’s also true that many people don’t feel comfortable sharing theirs. Thankfully there are ways to get more comfortable with divulging your desires with others. Here are some tips for feeling more at ease with exploring your fantasies with a partner.

  1. Get comfortable with your fantasies
    Take the time to explore what turns you on without judgement. Everyone has personal desires and fantasies, and what gets you hot is nothing to be ashamed of. Figure out what you like—and what you’d like to happen in real life—before letting someone else know.
  2. Don’t overanalyze what turns you on
    There’s no reason to ask yourself “why” you have a particular fantasy. It doesn’t necessarily say anything about you as a person. Accept that sex isn’t rational, and just go with it.
  3. Figure out a good time to discuss your fantasies
    Timing is everything, so it’s important to feel very comfortable with someone before discussing your fantasies. At the same time, if it’s a deal breaker to date someone who might not share your particular kink, it’d be a good idea to discuss your sexual tastes with them sooner rather than later. Regardless, you should gauge how the other person might respond by asking some leading questions like “I saw this thing on the internet. How would you feel about doing something like that?”
  4. Practice asking
    Here are some good lines: “You know what sounds really hot to me?”; “There’s this thing I’ve always wanted to try, but I’ve been waiting until I found the right person.”; “I would love to see you doing…”

Feel like trying out one of your sexual fantasies? We are always down to explore your desire!

Get more ideas on how to share your sexual fantasies here.

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