Introducing the New and Improved Modern Diaphragm



The Caya is the new, modern diaphragm that’s reinvigorating an old form of contraception for women. Its look—lilac, with a sleek design like most high-end sex toys—is part of the appeal for younger women looking for a good birth control option. Gone are the days when a diaphragm looked like something your grandmother would use in the 1940s with its putty color and bulky shape. In fact, since IUD’s and the pill became popular, the diaphragm has widely gone out of style since most think of it as something passé and old-fashioned. That’s why Caya was designed: to provide a birth control option that women might actually want to use.

“A 2012 study from the Guttmacher Institute found that 24 percent of women in the developing world who wanted an option for birth control weren’t using any form, because nothing met their needs,” explains The Atlantic. Since most birth control methods are hormonal, many women have opted not to rely on the most readily available kinds, like the pill and the ring. Enter: Caya. It was designed to break the stigma that diaphragms are only something for grandmas. The makers say, “….the old ones look a bit like shriveled pantyhose. They’re fleshy looking and saggy, while the Caya, in its plasticky purpleness, looks like a Barbie accessory.” Caya is smaller, squishier, made of easy to fold silicone, and easy to grip bubbles for seamless removal. And most importantly, Caya is reintroducing a younger generation to a tried-and-try method of birth control.

Want to celebrate the joys of safe sex with us? Three cheers for new, sexy options!

Check out more about Caya here.

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