It’s A Myth That Women Don’t Want Sex As They Age, Study Finds

It’s a myth that women lose interest in sex as they enter midlife and beyond, according to new research that followed over 3,200 women for approximately 15 years. “About a quarter of women rate sex as very important, regardless of their age,” said the lead author of the study being presented during the 2020 virtual annual meeting of The North American Menopause Society. “The study showed substantial numbers of women still highly value sex, even as they get older, and it’s not abnormal,” said an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

“If women are able to speak up with their partner and make sure that they’re having sex that’s fulfilling and pleasurable to them, then they’re more likely to rate it as highly important as they get older,” she said. “That’s actually quite refreshing, that there were a quarter of women for whom sex remains not just on the radar but highly important,” said another doctor. “Studies like these provide valuable insights to health care providers who may otherwise dismiss a woman’s waning sexual desire as a natural part of aging,” she said.

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Check out more about a study showing it’s a myth that women don’t want sex as they age:

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