Jogging Can Improve Your Sex Life, Health Experts Say

Experts say instead of staying in bed this winter, couples should go out for a run to improve their sex life. An evening jog, or a bike ride, swim or brisk walk, can reignite a sexual spark, according to health experts. Exercise boosts blood flow and testosterone, which can increase arousal in both men and women. 

The endorphins from a quick run around the block can put you in a passionate mood by overriding the tiredness which leads couples to prioritize sleep or television over sex. A sexpert explained: “The odds of having sex are higher in men and women who are moderately physically active at least once a week, rather than inactive.” Being active increases “happy” hormones such as endorphins and serotonin, as well as the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin, which can counteract stress hormones like cortisol that make it harder to get in the mood for sex.

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