Just One Hour In The Sun Can Boost Your Sex Drive

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_glutenHere’s another reason to get more sun this summer: it boosts your sex life. Just an hour in the sun is enough to heat things up in the bedroom for men and women, thanks to vitamin D, often dubbed the sex vitamin. Several studies have linked vitamin D to sex drive, since the sun is very important for stimulating sex hormones, which are directly related to how much you want to fuck.

“A vitamin D deficiency can cause low estrogen levels in women, which results in a low sex drive. It also has the same impact on men, only they lose testosterone,” reports NY Post. A little time out in the sun significantly boosts sex hormones in both women and men, which in turn boosts libido. As a sex researcher says, “With this upcoming heat wave that means there’s every excuse to be spending our days in the sunshine – and our nights between the cool sheets.”

Looking for a “boost” this summer? We have just what you need to stimulate your libido at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about how the sun boosts your sex drive: https://nypost.com/2018/07/05/why-your-sex-life-probably-needs-a-little-more-vitamin-d/

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