Kink Is Out and Proud at Legendary Queer Street Parade

ff-posterA new documentary called “Folsom Forever” chronicles the history of San Francisco’s legendary gay pride parade that celebrates the right of queers and kinksters everywhere to explore their sexuality out in the open. Even though it now seems like the leather-bound parade was always just about the kink, the film shows that the event was much more than just a scene for exhibitionists. The documentary focuses on the historically gay-friendly neighborhood the Castro in the 1970s, when “Folsom Street was the West Coast’s mecca for anyone on their leather journey in life.”

During the time when the fair originated, the queers in the Castro were being pushed out of their neighborhoods by developers who wanted to “bulldoze buildings and sex businesses — like the bathhouses — being closed by the city in misguided AIDS hysteria.” This is why the parade has always been “an expression of human rights, be it the right to low-cost housing or to willingly be flogged without fear of arrest.” San Francisco in the ’70s was a time when queer people were able to fully explore and celebrate their sexuality. That’s why today, members of the LGBT community and kinksters alike flock to the Folsom Street Parade with whips, chains, leather, and more to really celebrate sexual expression and freedom.

Right on! Want to celebrate all things kinky and leather-bound with us? Three cheers for sexual freedom and expression!

Check out HuffPo‘s article on the documentary to watch the trailer for “Folsom Forever!”

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